Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) is not a private club that you must join: if you are a woman and a Methodist, then you already belong to this group.
We have a proud heritage stemming from the twin roots of Women’s Work, founded in the 1858 to support training and care for women missionaries, and Women’s Fellowship, started in 1945 out of a concern to address social problems resulting from the war. These two movements merged in 1987 to form the Women’s Network of the Methodist Church, with a clear place in the Methodist Connexional team. Change came in 2008 resulting in the launch in 2011 of Methodist Women in Britain as an independent, self-financing organisation.
Our aim today is to connect women with an interest in creative spirituality and a passion for global social justice.
Methodist Women in Britain’s main decision-making body is the FORUM, which meets twice each year. Every district in the British Methodist Church has a representative on the Forum who meet along with the executive members, the Helen Kim Scholar and the Women’s World Day of Prayer Methodist representative. MWiB has a seat at the Methodist Conference and relates to many parts of the Connexional Team. However, MWiB does not have Connexional Team staffing, nor funding from the Connexional budget.
For more information about MWiB see the National Website: where you will find useful resources and information about national events.
District Officers
President Miss Janet Duck, 01482 857210
Vice-President Mrs Janice Clark, 01653 691589
If crèche facilities are required at any event please contact Anne Kirkman in advance.
Unless otherwise stated, please bring something for a “Bring and Share” lunch for day events. Drinks are available at the venues.
All meetings unless otherwise stated, begin informally with coffee at 10am and formally by 10.30am and finish by 3.15pm.
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