Advanced Safeguarding Training

Advanced Safeguarding training is a requirement for those in certain roles within the Methodist Church and is offered in two forms: In person Training and Online Training. 

To see who is required to do Advanced Safeguarding Training please click here 

The training takes around 5hrs to complete and is a mix of conversation, videos and delivered training. There is some preparation material to complete, and this will be sent out prior to the event. As an acknowledgement and thanks to those participating in the training, a catered lunch is provided .

Please note that registrations close 20 days before the event date to allow enough time to receive and complete the preparation material before attending the core session.

There needs to be a minimum of 15 people registered for the session to take place. The Foundation Module must be completed before attending the Advanced Module.

If you are unsure whether you are required to complete this course please contact your church or circuit safeguarding officer or consult page 151 in the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church in Britain.

All in person training will run from 10am until 3:30pm latest, with lunch provided.

15th July - Wesley Methodist Church (Oxford Street, Harrogate, HG1 1PP), Nidd Valley Circuit

All in-person training can be booked here

The course is split into 2 sections:
Self-Study/e-learning – You will receive login details for Theology X which will give you access to online material to explore at home. It is expected that it will take around 4-7 hours to go through all the material online, however, you can split this up into smaller chunks of time and complete it over the month before the session. This material does need completing at least two full working days prior to attending the Zoom session with the trainers. Trainers will check if you have completed the online material before the Zoom session, if you have been unable to do so by the date of the Zoom session, you will need to transfer your Zoom session attendance to a later date.

Gathered Session – This is a 2-hour Zoom session for up to 20 people with the District's Advanced Module Trainers. There will be opportunity to reflect on learning from the online self-study material and engage in further discussion with others.

You will receive access to the self-study on Theology X around a month before. Booking for the dates will close about 3 weeks before. This is to allow everyone enough time to receive and complete the self-study material before attending the Zoom session. The Zoom link will be sent nearer the time of the Gathered Session.

We are pairing with with the Yorkshire Plus region for the delivery of this training. Whilst each District is leading specific dates, you can book onto any of the following training dates:

·      Wednesday 4 October – hosted by Yorkshire North and East

·      Monday 23 October – hosted by Yorkshire North and East

·      Wednesday 6 December – hosted by Sheffield

·      Thursday 25 January 2024 – hosted by Sheffield

·      Wednesday 21 February 2024 – hosted by Sheffield

·      Tuesday 5 March 2024 – hosted by Sheffield

·      Wednesday 4 June 2024 – hosted by Yorkshire North and East

·      Thursday 20 June 2024 – hosted by Yorkshire North and East


Use this link to register for your preferred date and time:

Registrations close 30 days before the event date to allow enough time to receive and complete the self-study materials before attending the zoom session.
There needs to be a minimum of 8 people registered for the gathered session to take place.

If you have any questions or are struggling with booking online, please contact

The training takes around 5hrs to complete and is a mix of conversation, videos and delivered training. There is some preparation material to complete, and this will be sent out prior to the event. As an acknowledgement and thanks to those participating in the training, a catered lunch is provided .

Please note that registrations close 20 days before the event date to allow enough time to receive and complete the preparation material before attending the core session.

There needs to be a minimum of 15 people registered for the session to take place. The Foundation Module must be completed before attending the Advanced Module.

If you are unsure whether you are required to complete this course please contact your church or circuit safeguarding officer or consult page 151 in the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church in Britain.

All in person training will run from 10am until 3:30pm latest, with lunch provided.

September 24th @ Lidgett Methodist Church, York, YO26 5NH

November 20th @ Kingston Wesley Methodist Church, Hull, HU9 3LP

January 25th @ Driffield Methodist Church, Driffield, YO25 6TJ

February 27th @ Kingston Wesley Methodist Church, Hull, HU9 3LP

April 7th @ Lidgett Methodist Church, York, YO26 5NH (Bridge Circuit members are encouraged to attend this training)

July 8th @ Queen Street Methodist Church, Scarborough, YO11 1HQ

All in-person training can be booked here

 Advanced (Online) Module -24-25 flyer

Do you need to attend the Creating Safer Space Advanced Module?
o Have you recently been appointed to a role requiring attendance?
o Did you attend the Advanced Module previously and need to renew your training?

Online Training
This course is split into three parts:
• E-learning (units 1-5a) – approximately 4 to 7 hours which can be completed in smaller sections. Alongside the e-learning, participants complete a Workbook
which they then take to the Gathered session.
• Gathered Session (Unit 5b) – a 2 hour facilitated session to consolidate learning from Advanced Module (online) e-learning.
• Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module and for further study and resources.

N.B. the e-learning MUST be completed before attending a Gathered Session

The training aims to:
• to consolidate and develop your previous safeguarding learning
• extend your understanding of responding well to groups within our different Church communities
• further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the church and community
• explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church
The Foundation Module must be completed before attending the Advanced Module for the first time.

Dates of the Advance Module Online Gathered sessions
This training is shared between four Districts
• Monday 16th September 7pm Newcastle/Darlington
• Tuesday 22nd October 10am Yorkshire North and East
• Thursday 24th October 7pm Yorkshire North and East
• Tuesday 5th November 7pm Yorkshire North and East
• Thursday 7 November 10am Yorkshire North and East
• Tuesday 3rd December 10am Sheffield
• Tuesday 3rd December 7pm Sheffield
• Wednesday 22nd January 10am Sheffield
• Saturday 25th January 10am Sheffield
• Thursday 27th February 10am Sheffield
• Thursday 27th February 7pm Sheffield
• Saturday 1st March 10am Sheffield
• Tuesday 4th March 10am Sheffield
• Saturday 5th April 10am Newcastle/Darlington
• Monday 12th May 10am Yorkshire North and East
• Wednesday 14th May 7pm Yorkshire North and East
• Monday 9th June 7pm Yorkshire North and East
• Wednesday 11th June 10am Yorkshire North and East
• Monday 7th July 7pm Newcastle/Darlington
• Tuesday 12th August 7pm Newcastle/Darlington


To book - click here

Registrations close 30 days before the event date to allow enough time to receive and complete the self-study materials before attending the zoom session.

There needs to be a minimum of 8 people registered for the gathered session to take place.

It is suggested that each circuit has 2-3 people who can host foundation training sessions, so to allow this to happen we recommend that you take 'Train the Trainers'.

There are two parts to the training.
New trainers will need to complete both parts, existing trainers need only complete the Familiarisation session, but may also like to attend the Skills session.
Delivering safeguarding training presents some particular issues and it is important to be familiar with the material and also to continue to develop skills needed to deliver the training effectively.

1. Foundation Module Familiarisation training
This session is familiarisation with the revised Foundation Module material.
This is necessary for all existing trainers, as well as any new trainers.
There are 4 sessions available including one face-to-face option.
• 15 July at 7pm
• 19 September at 1pm
• 15 October at 7pm
• 16 November at 10am - this session will take place face-to-face at Acomb, York!
Full details, including the link to register, can be found here:

2. Foundation Module Skills training
This session focuses on the skills needed for facilitating the safeguarding training. It is essential for
all new trainers, but existing trainers may like to attend as a refresher.
• 9 July at 7pm
• 19 September at 10am
Full details, including the link to register, can be found here: