Representative Synod is an exciting church event that takes place in autumn and spring each year. In addition to discussing formal business, Synod is an opportunity for us to gather as a district to worship, learn and share stories. It’s a place for conferring, conversation, talks, and workshops. Everyone is welcome to attend, and it is open to any visitors – come along to hear inspiring speakers, be challenged with focused workshops, and connect with others from all around the district in sharing experiences, challenges, and discussions.
Details of Representative Synod are usually posted about a month in advance on this page, sent directly to Synod members, and also publicised on our Social Media Accounts and District Newsletter. See the sections below for details of reports and other information that is available in advance.
General information about Representative Synod (formal details – downloadable word doc)
How can we flourish in times of tension and conflict?
Saturday 7th September 2024 | Hybrid
We look forward to welcoming you to the autumn Representative Session of the Yorkshire North and East District Synod on Saturday 7th September – 9:30am-12:30pm.
We are delighted to be welcoming Katie Bradley from ‘Place for Hope’ ( who, with the Revd Graham Jones, will lead a session entitled: ‘How can we flourish in times of tension and conflict?’ Katie is Manager of the ‘Way of Peace’ programme ( which is being run in partnership with our Learning Network. Our District is part of the first phase of introducing this Reconciliation and Mediation programme across the Connexion. Katie will share more about how this can help us in our life together and, with Graham, will enable us to reflect on how conflict can be used positively in ways that help to develop strong, growing and missional communities.
You are welcome to bring a packed lunch with you to eat after Synod is finished, and please bring a mug with you if you are attending in person.
How to participate and engage!
Our September Synod is Hybrid which means that you can attend in person with us at Huntington Methodist Church or on Zoom.
To attend in person – please sign up here
Parking is limited at Huntington, with carpark parking being prioritised to those with limited mobility. Please email the District office with your registration plate if you require one of these spots. Otherwise please park on the available street parking and lift share if possible.
To engage online, you might like to gather anyone who is attending from your circuit into one room, and join together.
The zoom link is accessible here.
Synod paperwork
Previous Synods
The Kingdom of God is like...
Saturday 11th May 2024 | York
District Gathering
The Kingdom of God is like… a place where our stories are heard, just as they are.
The Kingdom of God is like… waiting with God.
The Kingdom of God is like… joining in with Jesus’ revolution.
The Kingdom of God is like… yeast in the dough: Craftism.
The Kingdom of God is like… full inclusion for all disabilities and neurodiversity.
The Kingdom of God is like… helping refugees.
The Kingdom of God is like… a well-tended Garden.
The Kingdom of God is like… full bellies.
The Kingdom of God is like… taking time out to hang out with your mate Jesus (TakeTime meditation)

"Many Parts, one body" - September 2023

"God's Future Stories" - May 2023

- Justice and Inclusion with Alister McClure
- Intergenerational Church with Amy Shepherd
- Discipleship: Methodist Way of Life with Rev Rory Dalgliesh
- Digital Ministry with Elliot Crippen
- New Places for New People with David Perry
- Church at the Margins with Liane Kensett
- Creative Prayer with Lydia Harrison
- Net Zero with Adele Borrowman and Tim O’Brien
"Being Salt and Light: time for action" - September 2022

"Relight our Fire" May 2022