One Opportunity

ONE Opportunity is something we are really proud of in the Yorkshire North and East Methodist District.  It brings together young people from a range of backgrounds and experiences to work out their discipleship together and in their own churches.

Celebrating the vision of young people, interns design their own project, based on their own gifts and abilities and the needs of their own church.  Once this is set up and approved, they are paid to work for 3 hours a week on their own project, supported by a volunteer project manager, someone who will meet with them for mentoring and the District coordinating team.

Over the course of the year (which starts in September) interns from across the District get together for an induction day and three residential weekends where they become part of a learning and reflecting community, that also has a lot of fun.

Applications are normally submitted in June and are jointly completed by a young person and a representative of their church.  Young people need to be 16 -23 in the September of the year that they wish to participate.

Application pack and application form are available to download here:

One Opportunity Application form 2020-21

or alternatively contact Victoria to discuss an application:

Victoria Etherington or 07473 065856

“One Opportunity” is a year long scheme that offers 16-23 year olds the chance to develop a ministry project in their church. This project springs from their gifts, talents and passions, it is not somethin designed for them. The district team work alongside the young person and their church to help support and guide this throughout the year. As a bonus, the district will pay a salary for three hours a week at the real living wage rate.

Past ONE Opportunity Projects

Creating circuit newsletter

Leading walks

Creating art for church services

Messy church

Leading young children’s groups

Developing student links with church

Running youth nights

Installing digital screens


Creating prayer resources

Developing church garden

Reordering notice boards

Creating prayer

ONE Opportunity Facebook Page